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Home Services and projects Formation in environmental topics

Formation in environmental topics

Environmental formation

EcoLAN has a wide offer of courses:

  • Analysis of the Life Cycle.
  • Evaluation of environmental impact.
  • Environmental standards.
  • Ecodesign Courses.
  • Eco-Labelling of products.
  • Quality standards application.

Company formation

The ecoLAN’s goal is to contribute to the organizations planning environmental development. Before offering any course, ecoLAN carries out a series of interviews to identify the necessities and formative expectations of the company, to elaborate the program personalised to its necessities, to define the actions to carry out and to implement of the defined plan.

The environmental courses could be oriented to directive staff as much as to the employees.

When the courses are finished ecoLAN could continue supporting the company like consultant in the phase of execution of projects, developing new methodologies and evaluation systems, monitoring the results obtained with the received formation and including coaching sessions like reinforcement to the course.

University formation


  • Formation Plans Design
  • Elaboration of Formative Programs
  • Development of methodologies and evaluation systems and monitoring
  • Monitoring of students final projects
  • Outsourcing of the Formation

EcoLAN has carried out formation sessions in Mondragón University, in AENOR, in the Chamber of Commerce and in specialized Master in environmental topics, as well as in numerous companies (to see “customers").


Sustainable development

"To satisfy the necessities of the present without committing the capacity of the future generations to satisfy their own necessities".

With this definition we offer our consultantship services in sustainable development.


Contact address:

c/ Beheko Kale nº13 Bajo
CP 01.170 Legutio (Álava)

Tel: 945 455905
Fax: 945 455930